genetic theory- adoption study evaluation

  • Created by: kt202
  • Created on: 07-05-19 20:40

genetic theory- adoption study evaluation


  • In adoption studies individuals are exposed to a different environment to their biological or genetic relatives. This makes it easier to separate genetic and environmental factors.


  • Generalisability. Adoption studies use adopted children which isn't very representative of the general population of children. Some of these children may have also gone through trauma which would affect the results as they may behave differently to most children. This means results can't be generalised to a general population of children.
  • Reliability-. Results aren’t always reliable because the studies are opportunistic which means they use what they can find at the time. This is an issue as some other variables may affect children's behaviour I.e. the children may have spent some time as orphans and this early upbringing might affect them.
  • Ethics. Children cannot consent to be studied, but adoption studies usually proceed with the presumptive consent of the adoptive parents and (where possible) the biological parents too. The children's anonymity is preserved, and this respects their privacy and dignity.



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