Existance of God - Cosmological argument

The strengths and weaknesses of the cosmological argument

  • Created by: Milly
  • Created on: 17-02-14 16:13

Existance of God - Cosmological argument


  • Things (such as the universe) can't create themselves, so they must have been caused by some infinite, all powerful being.
  • God is infinite so does not need a cause. He is outside our space and time so is not affected by our laws.


  • If everything has a cause, then what caused God?


Overall I think that the cosmological does prove the existence of God because if everything has to have a cause, then what could have caused the universe instead of an infinite, omnipotent being? However the weaknesses in this argument are that if everything has a cause, then God must have been caused as well, so he could not have been the first cause and the only 'uncaused causer'. On the other Christians would say that God is infinite, so he has no beginning and no end.On the contrary, some people would say that the cosmological argument disproves the existence of God because if everything has a cause then, something cannot come out of nothing, so God cannot have come out of nothing (ex nihilo).


Groot,I am

