Evaluation of neurotransmitters and transmission at the synapse:


Evaluation of neurotransmitters and transmission at the synapse:

AdvantagesGetting Started

  • PET scanning used by Jovanovic (2008) to look at the serotonin system of women. She used women as low serotonin levels are linked to depression in women more than in men. They found differences in the synaptic receptors of women with and without PMDD, showing synaptic transmission affects mood.
  • Humans are being used more for brain scanning. This allows us to see actual brain structures at work. The method has scientific credibility and reliability, and is also objective.


  • Allen and Stevens (1994) found that synaptic transmission regarding hippocampal neurons was very unreliable, with less than half of the neurotransmitter being picked up by the neuron.
  • Much of the evidence has come from studies using animals, however, due to brain differences these studies may not actually be generalisable to humans.



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