
  • Created by: Panda113
  • Created on: 26-10-15 16:01



  • It is renewable
  • It is carbon neutral - the carbon dioxide released by the plant when it is burnt was taken in by the plant when it was growing.
  • Cheaper than fuel from oil.


  • Large areas of land are required to grow the plant materials and famine is still a global issue.
  • Habitats such as the rainforest are being destroyed and turned into plantations.
  • Increase in food prices


Ethanol is produced from plant material so it is knows as a biofuel. It is made by fermenting plant materials between 20 - 35 degrees Celsius to form a dilute solution of ethanol. Pure ethanol can be obtained from this. It can be mixed with petrol to form fuel and is used to fuel cars in some places.


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