Czechoslovakian Invasion


Czechoslovakian Invasion


  • Czechoslovakia had been a model satellite state since 1948 due to their brutal leader Novotny. .
  • Even the economic problems in the 1960s didn't stop the USSR taking all their raw materials, so many wanted democracy.
  • They had no political or economic freedom and only had the memory of democracy pre WW2


  • Damaged East-West relations as the West had supported the reforms
  • However, because the Allies didn't interfere it showed they weren't prepared to risk a war
  • It led to worsening relations between the USSR and China, who disliked this treatment of a fellow Communist country
  • It showed that the USSR wouldn't allow reform or opposition

Overall summary

In 1968, Dubcek replaced Novotny. He imposed the Prague Spring Reforms, promising 'socialism with a human face'. This removed press censorship, removed travel restrictions, allowed competition in factories and trade with West Germany and reduced the power of the secret police. This encouraged Czech opponents of the Communist regime, and a Social Democrats party was even established -  the USSR were suspicious of this, since it was centrally placed, vital to the Warsaw pact and had a strong industry. On the 28th August 1968, 500,000 troops from the Warsaw Pact invaded Czechoslovakia - Czechs were instructed to passively resist and only demonstrate, so less than 100 were killed, however Dubcek was arrest, and student Jan Palach set himself on fire in 1969. 


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