CN Neuroscience Decisions Critical Analysis

  • Created by: Psych951
  • Created on: 05-05-19 08:49

CN Neuroscience Decisions Critical Analysis


  • Understand the purpose of decisions to pursue goals
  • Accounts for inconsistency and individual differences in decisions
  • Support from neuroimaging for different components and integration to make decisions
  • Impact of valuation on decisions is modulated to account for factors beyond preference, ensuring we are not completely guided by impulses
  • Understand different behaviours based on correlated brain activation during decisions
  • Understand psychiatric disorders and offer them support
  • Neuroimaging methods can allow prediction of behaviour based on activation patterns, and TDS can show causal roles


  • Little understanding of reasons for relative contribution of analytic or affective system
  • Mesolimbic projection may also be involved with future rewards
  • Neuroimaging environments lack ecological validity due to complex input from environment in everyday decisions - Could use VR to try and recreate environment


Although more research would be useful to better understand why decisions are made in complex environments, current neuroscience research offers a comprehensive understanding of decision-making that allows prediction of behaviour and understanding of how variables are integrated to inform a final choice. 


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