Causes and Effects of Coastal Erosion


Causes and Effects of Coastal Erosion


  • Input of coastal defences along the coast at Hornsea, Withernsea and Mappleton.
  • Removal of sediment offshore - in 2000, 3811044 tones was dredged illegally offshore.
  • Housing development
  • Cliff is made up soft glacial material
  • Waves have a long fetch
  • The beaches are narrow


  • Could have an affect on places further down the coastline, because of longshore drift and build up of material
  • Sediment is taken away which means that there is less sediment on the beach to protect the coastline against the waves.
  • Can make the soil/rock weaker which makes it more vulnerable to erosion.
  • The material is easily eroded by the waves which means that the cliff is quickly eroded and the waves are more effective
  • The waves can build up a lot of energy because of the fetch
  • There is less sediment to protect the coastline

Overall summary

Both human and physical causes can have a detrimental effect on erosion of a coastline. Each cause has a long or short term effect which can either speed up or slow down the speed of erosion and how effective it is. 


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