B14.7 Ethics of genetic technologies


B14.7 Ethics of genetic technologies


  • Improved growth rates of plants and animals
  • Increased food value of crops, as genetically modified (GM) crops usually have much bigger yields than ordinary crops
  • Crops can be designed to grow well in dry, hot, or cold parts of the world
  • Crops can be engineered to produce plants that make their own pesticides or are resistant to the herbicides used to control weeds


  • Genetic engineering is still a fairly new science and no one can be sure what the long term effects will be
  • Some people are concerned about the effect of eating GM food on human health
  • Genes from GM plants and animals might spread onto the wildlife in the countryside
  • Fears about human engineering


The majority of plant scientists believe that GM crops are the way forward and probably the only way to solve the problem of feeding the world's expanding population and to cope with global warming.


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