B1 - Cancer - Benign and Malignant Tumours

A table to help you understand the difference between malignant and benign tumours - something you will be required to know for your biology GCSE.


B1 - Cancer - Benign and Malignant Tumours


  • Both caused by cells dividing out of control
  • Lifestyle changes can help reduce the likelihood of getting either benign or malignant tumours


  • Benign tumours grow until there's no more room, and then stop growing.
  • Malignant tumours carry on growing and can spread to other parts of the body
  • Benign tumours are NOT normally dangerous
  • Malignant tumours can be fatal.

Overall comparison

From this comparison, it is clear that malignant tumours are the more dangerous type of tumour, whereas benign tumours can be treated more easily. Both are caused by the same thing (extreme cell division) and can both be reduced by choosing a healthy lifestyle.


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