Arguments based on observation


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  • Teleogical argument: there is order in the universe is created by god
  • Cosmological argument: god created the universe


  • Aquinas: fifth way(arrow analogy)
  • Paley: watch analogy
  • Aquinas first way/Unmoved Mover: movement created by god
  • Aquinas second way/Uncased Causer: cause and effect created by god
  • Aquinas third way/Contingency: necessary beings exist otherwise nothing would've started
  • Liebniz: principle of sufficient reason - explanation for everything and the one for the universe is god
  • anthropic principle: human analogy

Overall summary

Teleological criticism(Hume): there is no order in the world(evil and suffering), there is no evidence of god creating the universe, why is god credited for creating the order in the universe?Cosmological criticism: the best explanation is god; better explanations e.g. big bang theory; universe doesn't need to any explanation


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