Adv/Disadv of Literal rule

  • Created by: Zoe
  • Created on: 29-12-12 18:36

Adv/Disadv of Literal rule


  • Maintains parliamentary supremacy - judges role is restricted
  • Easier for lawyers to advise clients about outcomes of a case
  • If a law needs to be changed, it is up to parliament - e.g Fisher v Bell parliament realised there needed to be  change in the law and now invitation to buy is treated the same as offer to sell


  • Application leads to absurd results - e.g Fisher v Bell
  • Application leads to unjust results - e.g LNER v Berriman
  • Application does not always give effect to intention of parliament
  • If there is more than 1 dictionary definition, the rule is not a solution
  • Requires the assumption that draftsmen do their job perfectly, which is impossible as language has limitations


Democratic because it retains parliamentary supremacy, however the outcome of cases can be absurd and unjust.


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