Yeats Poetry Summary

  • Created by: Beth
  • Created on: 02-05-15 19:59
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  • Yeats
    • The Stolen Child
      • Themes
        • Faeries
        • Supernatural/spirits
        • Escape from rerality back to innocence of childhood
        • Nature (Irish)
        • Romanticism
      • Form
        • Stanzas of fairly equal length
        • Regular lamenting rhyme scheme
        • Iambic tetrameter
    • September 1913
      • Themes
        • Frustration over violence
        • Religion
        • Nationalism
        • Despair/ bitterness/ sinicism
        • Values of the classes
        • People from the past who were proclaimed to be heroes e.g. O'Leary
        • Sarcastic
      • Form
        • Ballad
        • Very regular rhyme scheme
        • 8 syllables per line & iambic tetrameter give a 'marching rhythm' feel
    • The Wild Swans At Coole
      • Themes
        • Nature
        • Romanticism
        • Impermanence
        • Loss
        • Wistfulness
        • Beauty
        • Time and change
        • Symbolism
      • Form
        • Lyrical/ballad ike
        • ABCBDD rhyme scheme
        • Mainly iambic meter with some tetrameter, trimeter and pentamter
    • The Cold Heaven
      • Themes
        • Death
        • Afterlife
        • Intellectual experience v.s. emotional experience
        • Crisis of faith
        • Epiphany
        • Confusion
        • Negativity
        • Binary opposites
        • Maud Gone
      • Form
        • Alexandrine rhythm - 12 syllables per line
        • Regular rhyme scheme
        • Regular structure (contrasts to his ideas)
    • An Irish Airman Foresees His Death
      • Form
        • 4 regular quatrains (tight structure echoes certainty that he will die)
        • Iambic tetramter
      • Themes
        • Fate and free will
        • War
        • Acceptance of death
        • Dispassionatemundane
        • Politics
    • The Cat And The Moon
      • Form
        • Lyrical (dance-like)
        • Inconsistent rhyme scheme
        • Assonance &alliteration -soft, swift movements lyrical, childish tone
      • Themes
        • Romanticism
        • Maud Gone (moon) - symbolism
        • Occult
        • Lunar kinship
        • Yeats (cat) - symbolism
        • Contrasts
        • Change (gyres)
    • The Fisherman
      • Form
        • Enjambment
        • Anaphora
        • Irregular rhyme, rhythm and stanza length
      • Themes
        • Simplicity
        • Culture
        • Working class
        • Contempt and scorn for the Irish public
    • Broken Dreams
      • Themes
        • Ageing
        • Physical decline/decay
        • Beauty - idolisation of Maud Gone
        • Unrequited love - Maud Gone
        • Mysticism
        • Gyres
        • Afterlife
      • Form
        • Irregular rhyme, rhythm & stanza length - confusion over subject matter
        • Dramatic Monologue
        • Sibilance -mystical feeling
    • Easter 1916
      • Form
        • Memorial/ elegy/euology  for martyrs
        • Iambic tetrameter/ iambic trimeter
        • Regular rhyme scheme (ABAB) - emphasises importance of subject matter
        • Refrain
      • Themes
        • Politics - IRB
        • Foolish dreams - foolish to fight for independece
          • Wasted talent
            • Sacrifice/ martyrdome
          • Sacrifice/ martyrdome
        • Rebellion - work of individuals
        • Maud Gone & John MacBride - hatred for him
        • Symbolism - stone - unchanging - constant
        • Romanticism of death - undoes all wrong
        • Spirit of Ireland
    • The Second Coming
      • Form
        • Free verse
        • Iambic pentameter - strong rhythmic power - gives authority
        • Repetitions/ echoes
          • Gyres -cyclical
      • Themes
        • Apocalypse
        • Gyres -cyclical
        • Change
        • Anarchy
        • Religion (parodied)
        • Fear of the unknown
        • Horrific imagery
    • Sailing To Byzantium
      • Form
        • Ottava Rima
          • Classical style: romantic/ heroic poetry
        • Oracular
        • Polysyllabic words reflect the complexity of life
      • Themes
        • Art - eternal - Byzantium - idealised place, like art
        • Nature - transient
        • Journey/ significance of life
        • Not belonging in Ireland any more
        • Ageing - mortality
        • Gyres
        • Unrequited love - Maud Gone
        • Death
    • Leda And The Swan
      • Form
        • Sonnet
        • Rhetorical questions - emphaise helplessness
      • Themes
        • Helplessness
        • Violence
        • ****
        • Greek myth
          • Helen of Troy
            • Destruction
          • Zeus V.S. Leda
        • Impersonal
    • Among School Children
      • Form
        • Ottava Rima - heroic/epic poetry
        • Regular rhythm & rhyme
      • Themes
        • Self-reflection
        • Maud Gone
          • Beauty
        • Ageing
        • Human identity/worth
        • The Fall in Creation
        • Suffering
          • The Fall in Creation
    • In Memory Of Eva Gore-Booth And Con Markiewicz
      • Themes
        • Ageing
        • Politics
        • Fevour can corrupt beauty
          • Wasted talent
        • Death
        • Reflective
      • Form
        • Sonnet -like but longer
        • Eulogy/elegy
    • The Man And The Echo
      • Form
        • Trochaic tetrameter
        • Rhyming couplets
        • Echo
      • Themes
        • Words taken out of context - frustration - echo
        • Internal conflict
        • Oracle
        • Regrets of life - reflective
        • Coole Park
        • Philosophical issues
        • Death (celebrated?) & afterlife (God)
        • Symbolism
        • Meaning of life?
        • Bleak
        • Shakespeare - suicide
        • Acceptance of death, cruelty/reality of life - shockingly arbitrary
          • Never reaches revelation - works towards it


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