Edexcel Writers Voice Section B Tips

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  • Writers Voice  Section B Tips
    • GAPS
      • Genre
        • Magazine
        • Web Page
        • Blog
        • Newsletter
        • Leaflet
      • Audience
        • Teenagers
          • Make this lively + jokey, NOT  in text language
        • Parents
        • Teachers
        • Boss
      • Purpose
        • Advise
        • Influence
        • Persuade
        • Argue
        • inform
        • Comment
      • Style
        • Vocab used
        • Formality
      • Make sure you show  in answer
        • eg. 'I am  writing this LETTER to you as a PARENT of a child at your school...
    • What to include
      • Article
        • Short paragraphs
        • Catchy headline
        • Quotations from interviews
        • statistics and facts
        • Formal (depends on audience)
      • Letter
        • Start with address and 'Dear..'
        • Usually formal in this exam
        • Ends with 'Yours sincerely' OR 'Yours faithfully'
      • Leaflet
        • Can include bullet points
        • FACTS
        • Short paragraphs
        • Lots of persuasive language
        • Catchy title
      • Report
        • Headings + Subheadings
        • Formal
          • Very boring (No sensational lang.)
        • Factual Details
        • Quotations from witnesses, etc
      • Review
        • Opinions
        • Descriptions/informations
        • Follow narrative sequence
    • Techniques to use
      • List
      • Address audience directly
      • Contrasts + opposites
      • Hyperbole/Exaggeration
      • Irony
      • Sound patterns
        • Alliteration
        • Assonance
      • Rhetorical Questions
      • Emotive Language
      • Tone of authority
        • Imperitives
    • Final Tips
      • Make your first paragraph VERY powerful
      • Don;t think about layout (eg. columns) - THEY DON'T MATTER
      • Sometimes, a straight Purpose is not given, so READ BETWEEN THE LINES
      • Use a variety of puncuation
  • eg. 'I am  writing this LETTER to you as a PARENT of a child at your school...
  • Similes + metaphors
    • Techniques to use
      • List
      • Address audience directly
      • Contrasts + opposites
      • Hyperbole/Exaggeration
      • Irony
      • Sound patterns
        • Alliteration
        • Assonance
      • Rhetorical Questions
      • Emotive Language
      • Tone of authority
        • Imperitives


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