working memory model

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  • Working memory model
    • baddeley and hitch referred to wmm as 'a system that permits several pieces of information to be held in the mind (stm), at the same time, and to be related to each other
    • saw significant problems with the MSM being so simplistic
    • strengths
      • baddeley 2003 found letters that sound alike were not recalled as well as letters that don't sound alike supporting WMM as it shows when things sound the same the interference with each other providing phonological loop has limited capacity.
      • KF suffered brain damage following a motorcycle incident that damaged his stm. kf's impairment was mainly for verbal information whilst memory for visual information was largely intact. this supports WMM as it shows they are separate systems.
    • weaknesses
      • WMM only looks at stm and doesn't explain the process of information, therefore not a complete explanation of memory
      • Lieberman  1980 criticises WMM as the VSSP implies that alll spatial information was first visual therefore all linked. however he pointed out blind people still have excellent spatial awareness even though they have not had visual info to begin with.
    • (see image on separate sheet)
      • central executive.
        • most complex. limited capacity. deals with sensory info.
      • visa-spataial scratch pad.
        • visual and/or spatial material. hold info we see either directly or from ltm retrieval. limited capacity of 3/4 items
      • phonological loop
        • articulatory loop
          • longer words forgotten easier. capacity not limited by number of items but but by time taken to relive them
        • primary acoustic store
          • auditory info. humans able to recollect tunes.


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