Why was there a Boom?

A mind-map about the different causes of the economic boom of the 1940s and 50s 

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  • Why was there a Boom?
    • Housing Boom
      • 180,000 houses built in the ND
      • Millions if not billions were spent on homes
        • Huge housing boom
      • Growth of the Suburbs
        • The White Flight
          • Motor cars enabled people to move to the suburbs
          • Cheap Mortgages
            • Federal Mortgage Arrangement Act
        • America became segregated - not officially
      • Levitt Home
        • Flat Pack Housing
        • No fences allowed
        • No wasing hanging outside
        • Conformity of houses
        • Couldn't move if you were black
        • Young people were bored
          • Desperate Housewives were bored too
            • Tupperware Parties
    • Technological Advances
      • Electronics
        • Silicon Valley (embryonic)
    • Consumer Goods/ Advertising
      • Advertising
      • Fridges, washing machines,    1) cars          2) Tv's
        • 1) 67 million privately owned cars on the road    Huge road building            Drive through movies, Resturant's (McDo's) Shopping Malls
          • Considered a luxury in 1920s, a necessity in 1950s
            • 2) TV's            John Logie Baird invented 1926  Not mass produced in 1920s            Black and white             7,000 - 1946 across whole country     1960 - 50 million
        • 2) TV's            John Logie Baird invented 1926  Not mass produced in 1920s            Black and white             7,000 - 1946 across whole country     1960 - 50 million
    • Government Policies
      • 1946 - Truman brings in Employment Act
        • Government commits itself to ensuring strong economic growth
          • Huge tax cuts for businesses
      • 1944 - Roosevelt made sure that veterans would be well looked after.
          • GI Bill of Rights
          • Don't want a recurrence of the Bonus Army March
          • Makes sense to readjust them back into society
          • Set aside $16 billion for soldiers to
            • loan money to set up own businesses
            • Unemployment benefit
            • Sending them through college
              • 2.3 million men were at college at the end of 1940s
              • 1 in 2 had been in WW2
          • 12 million service men at that time.
        • GI Bill of Rights
        • GI - Government issue
      • Government continued to spend money on infrastructure continued after the war
        • 17% of GNP spent on infrastructure  1% in 1929
      • Government commits itself to ensuring strong economic growth
    • Baby Boom
      • Significant increase in Birth Rate
      • Why?
        • More men in the Country
          • More economic security
        • Bigger Family = Bigger House
          • Levitt Houses
    • War
      • World War Two
        • America was untouched by the fighting
        • 1938 - Roosevelt reintroduces rearmament
          • 1941 - USA spending was 4x as much in Military than in 1938
          • 1942 - America creates more war supplies than all enemy's out together.
          • 1943 - full employment
        • Americans had saved $150 billion across America
      • The Cold War
        • 10% of GNP still spent on the military
          • money spent on nuclear weapons
        • Arms Race against Soviet Union and United States.
        • Space Race
          • Russia sends Yuri Gagarin into space
          • NASA creates jobs for Americans
        • Marshal Plan
          • General Marshall - secretary of state
          • He went on a tour of Europe
            • He realised Europe was finished
            • Throught people might result to extremism
          • We need to give these people money, if we don't they will turn communist
          • Gives $13 billion to Europe
            • Only people to trade with are American businesses
    • Post War Global Economic Order
      • GATT General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs
        • Tries to end protectionism
      • After WW2, agreements were made which reshaped the global economic order
      • Britain at global centre before WW2
      • Country central to global economic order is America
      • Conference at Bretton-Woods. There the global economic order was reshaped


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