Why did America experience an economic boom?

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  • Why did America experience an economic boom?
    • Isolation and WW1
      • America did not involve itself with WW1 until 1917 so unlike Europe did not lose money to the war but made it by selling weapons
    • Republican policies
      • Their major policies were isolation, tariffs and low taxes this helped businesses to grow and gave workers more money to spend
    • Credit, hire purchase and confidence
      • People having confidence in the economy meant that  people thought that their wages would increase so they spent more.
        • Having credit meant that people without the money cash in hand could buy items and pay it later. This meant more people were putting money into the economy.
    • Advertising and shopping
      • Advertising alerted more people of new goods and made them more appealing so more people would buy them. Thus putting more money into the economy
    • Electrical goods
      • Electricity provided a more flexible form of power this encouraged development of many electrical goods.
    • Construction and transport
      • With more roads and more transport it allowed more goods to be delivered this creates more jobs and money.


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