What Caused World War 1?

  • Created by: Denis023
  • Created on: 12-07-16 16:59
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  • What Caused World War 1?
    • M.A.I.N
      • Militarism
        • Arm Race
          • An arms race, in its original usage, is a competition between two or more parties to have the best armed forces. Each party competes to produce larger numbers of weapons, greater armies, superior military technology, etc. in a technological escalation.
        • The aim of militarism is to conquer and protect new territory
        • Naval Race between Germany and Britain
          • Arm Race
            • An arms race, in its original usage, is a competition between two or more parties to have the best armed forces. Each party competes to produce larger numbers of weapons, greater armies, superior military technology, etc. in a technological escalation.
          • The German Navy Law of 1898 increased the German battleships from nine cruisers to twelve. In 1900 Germany passed a Navy Law which doubled the German battle fleet.
          • Britain had a policy of 'two-powered standard'. It called for the Royal Navy to maintain a number of battleships at least equal to the combined strength of the next two largest navies in the world
            • Naval Defence Act 1889
            • Between 1909 and 1911 Germany built nine Dreadnoughts while Britain completed 18 Dreadnoughts
        • Meant that by 1914, countries had the means and will to wage war
        • Conscription
          • All continental countries, except Britain, had conscription since 1870.
            • This meant that countries were prepared for war and were expanding their length of military service to prepare for it
      • Alliances
        • Agreements between two or more countries
        • Triple Alliance
          • Countries involved
            • Germany
            • Austria-Hungary
            • Italy
        • Triple Entente
          • Britain
          • Russia
          • France
        • Alliances meant that when one country went to war its ally would help to. This meant that when Russia declared war on Austria-Hungry, Germany declared war on Russia
      • Imperialism
        • Countries who believed that they were superior thought it was alright to conquer and rule others – particularly if they were inhabited by races they thought were inferior.
        • Britain feared that Germany was going to expand and threaten their empire
          • This led to more spending on the military
        • The Imperialism was important because countries could show their power and provide resources to the mother land
          • Also it is important for the Empire to make lots of money and help the country fight in the war.
      • Nationalism
        • Nationalism was important because with the newer technology, each country thought that their country was superior to others, and they felt they owed their country something.
        • When one country think it is better than others.
    • The direct cause of World War 1 was the assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand at Sarajevo on 28 June 1914


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