What are the branches of the US government?

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  • What are the branches of the US government?
    • Executive
      • power to carry out laws
      • made up of the President, Vice President and the Cabinet
        • an executive order is a directive from the executive branch without input from the legislative/judicial branches
          • it only affects federal/state agencies
        • dualism federalism: division between state and national government
        • co-operative federalism (post-1933): the national government encourage states to follow national goals
          • most progress is made when the branches and states co-operate
        • along with additional departments and independent agencies
        • Article 2, Section 1
    • Legislative
      • power to make laws
      • made up of Congress, the Senate (lower) and the House of Representatives (upper)
        • most progress is made when the majority is made up of the president's party
      • the constitution delineates the national frame of government in Article 1
    • Judicial
      • interprets the law
        • safeguards the Constitution
        • meaning, application, status of constitutionality
      • made up of the Supreme Court and the system of courts
        • each state has its own federal court
    • the checks and balances/separation of powers reduces their individual power and helps ensure that individual rights are not overlooked
      • de facto: in everyday, reality
      • de jure: in law, judicial rights
  • the constitution delineates the national frame of government in Article 1


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