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  • Waves
    • Properties of waves
      • Wave front
        • This is an imaginary surface that we draw to represent the vibrating part of a wave.
          • If you draw semi-circular sound waves spreading out from a speaker, the semi-circular lines are the wavefront.
    • Types of waves
      • Longitudinal
        • Sound waves travelling in air
          • Sound waves transfer sound energy
        • In a longitudinal wave the oscillations are parallel to the direction of energy transfer
        • All longitudinal waves require a medium to travel in eg air, a liquid, or a solid
          • This is because they move by particles vibrating
        • Sound waves and seismic P waves
      • Transverse
        • Ripples on the surface of water
          • Ripples transfer kinetic energy
            • For both ripples on a water surface and sound waves in air, it is the wave that travels and not the water or the air.
              • Sound waves transfer sound energy
        • In transverse waves, the oscillations are perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer
          • Oscillations are up and down  but the direction of energy transfer is  sideways
        • Not all transverse waves require a medium.
        • Waves on a water surface, electromagnetic waves and seismic S waves
    • Measuring wave velocity
      • calculating speed of sound in air
        • using an echo
        • using two microphones and an oscilloscope
      • Calculating the speed of ripples on water surfaces
        • using a ripple tank and strobe
    • Wave equations
      • v = f x ?
        • ? = wavelength (m)
        • f = frequency (Hz)
      • v = x/t
        • x = distance (m)
        • t = time (s)
    • Waves and boundaries
      • Waves can show different effects when they move from one material to another. These changes can occur at the boundary or interface between the two materials
        • waves and boundaries
          • whenever a sound wave, light wave or water wave reaches the boundary between two materials, the wave can be
            • Reflected refracted transmitted or absorbed
              • Refraction - waves change direction when they pass from one material to another
                • sound  waves, water waves and light waves can all be refracted. Refraction can result in a change of both speed and direction. The direction does not change if the wavefronts travel perpendicular to the normal
                  • Sound waves travel more slowly in cooler, denser air than in warmer less dense air
                  • Water waves travel faster in deep water than in shallow water. They can also change direction
                  • Light waves can slow down and change direction when they pass from air to glass
              • Absorbed -energy of the wave is absorbed by the material. The wave may not pass through the material at all
              • Reflected - wave is reflected off the surface of the material
              • Transmitted - passing through the material has not changed the wave
          • Different substances reflect refract transmit or absorb waves in ways that vary with the wavelength
          • Different wavelengths of radiation are absorbed by molecules in the atmosphere by different amounts
        • Wavelength, absorption and transmission
          • Water molecules absorb microwave and infrared wavelength but they transmit radio waves which have longer wavelengths
          • Infrared radiation is transmitted by a black plastic bag, bu visible rays are not, as visible rays have a shorter wavelength - they will be absorbed
    • Sound
      • Sound waves travel as particles in the air move from side to side
        • These vibrations can pass from one medium to another e.g from air to solid
        • Sound waves cannot pass through a vacuum as there are no particles
      • Sound waves in the air can trigger vibrations in solids. This only works over a limited range of frequencies
        • Human hearing has a frequency range of 20Hz to 20 000Hz
          • Frequencies outside of that may not be able to cause the eardrum to vibrate
            • High frequency = high pitch
            • Low frequency = low pitch
            • Small amplitude = quiet sound
            • Large amplitude = loud sound
          • Frequencies less than 20Hz is known as infrasound
        • Sound waves travel as particles in the air move from side to side
          • These vibrations can pass from one medium to another e.g from air to solid
          • Sound waves cannot pass through a vacuum as there are no particles
      • Just like like light, sound waves can be reflected. we call a reflected sound wave an echo
    • Ultrasound
      • Ultrasound is sound waves with a frequency higher than the upper limit of hearing
        • The frequency of ultrasound is at least 20,000Hz
      • Ultrasound partially reflects at the boundaries between two different densities
        • Ultrasound scanners can produce images of internal orgnas, such as a kidney and the heart
          • This works for any organ that is not surrounded by bone
        • Ultrasound is also used in industrial imaging
          • Ultrasound can be used to detect hidden defects or problems with a weld
        • Ultrasound can be used to produce images of a foetus
    • Seismic waves
      • Internal structure of the Earth
        • The outside of the Earth is the solid crust
          • The crust is very thin with a maximum depth of around 50km
        • There is no way for scientists to directly observe the interior of the Earth
          • An earthquake happens due to a sudden movement between the tectonic plates in the earths crust
            • This causes seismic waves which carry energy away from the earthquake
              • These seismic waves then pass through the earth and they can be detected by seismometers in different countries
                • The patterns of these waves give us information about the interior of the Earth
                  • There are two main types of seismic waves (P waves and S waves)
                    • P waves are longitudinal waves
                      • They can pass through both solids and liquids
                        • P waves travel faster than S waves
                    • S waves are transverse waves
                      • S waves can only travel through solids
                    • The parts of the Earth where no S waves can be detected is called the S wave shadow zone
                      • This is due to the fact that S waves cannot pass through a liquid
                        • This told scientists that the Earth must contain a liquid core
                    • The parts of the Earth where no P waves can be detected are called P wave shadow zones
                      • These are due to the fact that P waves travel faster in solids than in liquids
                        • This means that the P waves slow down as they enter the liquid outer core
                          • This causes them to refract when they leave the outer core
                            • This confirms that the outer core is a liquid
                      • Sometimes faint P waves can be detected in the P wave shadow zone
                        • This was used by scientists to show that the Earth also contains a solid inner core
                • Seismometers on the Earths surface detect the seismic waves after they have passed through the Earth
  • In transverse waves, the oscillations are perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer
    • Oscillations are up and down  but the direction of energy transfer is  sideways


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