war photographer-carol ann duffy

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  • war photographer-carol ann duffy
    • The horror of war: Duffy’s skillful imagery helps to convey the terrible personal stories that lie behind every conflict.
      • 'to fields which don’t explode beneath the feet /of running children', an image we usually associate with something innocent and happy is something much more sinister.
    • Our increasing indifference to the victims of conflict: the poem conveys the increasing isolation the photographer feels  towards his own country and the newspaper he works for.
      • 'The reader’s eyeballs *****/with tears between the bath and pre-lunch beers,' although the reader is moved, its short lived, their eyes merely ***** with tears before they forget about it.
    • the very rigid order of the structure contrasts with the chaotic, disturbing images described in the poem.
    • the photographer lays out his films in ordered rows, as though in doing so he can in some way help to restore order to this chaotic world.
    • laid out in four regular six-line stanzas, with each stanza ending in a rhyming couplet.
    • ‘spools of suffering’ metaphor& alliteration, it isn’t the spools which are suffering but the people pictured in the photographs.
  • themes
  • structure
  • language


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