Unanswered prayers

This shows some of the reasons why unanswered prayers cause people to not believe in God and Christian answers to unanswered prayers.

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  • Unanswered prayers
    • Why they may lead to unbelief in God
      • If God was omnipotent he would be able to answer every prayer
      • If God was omnibenevolent then he would want to help you, so answer your prayers
      • If God was omniscient he would know how to answer prayers
        • Your prayer might have unexpected negative consequences that you don't know about, only God does
          • When seemingly unselfish prayers don't get answered God seems to not be there
      • When seemingly unselfish prayers don't get answered God seems to not be there
    • Christian responses to them
      • If the prayer is selfish then the most loving thing to do would be to ignore it
        • If God was omnibenevolent then he would want to help you, so answer your prayers
      • Sometimes prayers are conflicting- e.g. if you pray that your football team would win a match, and someone on the other team prayed the same then God would not answer.
      • Answering your prayer might go against someone else's free will
      • God has his own timing. If now isn't the perfect time for your prayer to be answered then it won't happen
      • God may answer your prayer in an unexpected way that results in a better outcome
        • Your prayer might have unexpected negative consequences that you don't know about, only God does


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