treaty of versailles

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  • The Treaty of Versailles
    • Danzig was taken from Germany and made a free city under League of Nations control.
    • The German army was limited to 15,000 men, 1500 officers and only 6 battleships: the size and number of other ships was also limited.
    • Article 231 of the Treaty was the war guilt clause : Germany and their allies had to take full responsibility for the start of the war; this was the term that Germany hated the most.
    • The Saar was an important industrial part of Germany : there was many coal mines in this area; it was put under the control of the League of Nations for 15 years.
    • The Rhineland, a ***** of land on the border between Germany and France, was to be demilitarised; this meant that Germany could not put an army or defences in this area.
    • Germany's colonies in Africa were given as mandates to the League of Nations, which meant that Britain and France controlled them.
    • The German army was limited to 100,00 men and conscription was not allowed.
    • Anschluss (union) between Germany and Austria was forbidden.
    • Article 232 : Germany was blamed for the war and had to pay reparations to the winners; in 1921, the figure was agreed at £6,600 million; it was estimated this would take until 1988 to pay back.
    • The League of Nations was formed but Germany wasn't allowed to join.
    • Germany lost 10% of its land, including; Alsace Lorraine, which was returned to France; Eupen and Malmedy, which was given to Belguim and North Schleswig which was given to Denmark.
    • Germany wasn't allowed tanks, submarines or an air force.
    • Germany was split in two by the Polish corridor,  land that was given to Poland to allow them to have access to the sea.


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