Translators and facilities of languages

  • Created by: 15j.price
  • Created on: 04-06-19 11:25
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  • Translators and Facilities of Languages
    • Assembler
      • assemblers translate assembly language code into machine code instruction one line at a time
    • Low level languages
      • assembly language
        • assembly language sits between machine code and high-level languages and uses abbreviations to represent the commands rather than the hex that machine code does
          • INP, STA 06, LDA A1
      • machine code
        • the commands that tell a computer what to do are written in binary, known as machine code. each command is usually represented using hex and represents a different instruction
          • C000: A0 00, C002: B9 00 C1, C005: 20 6F D2
    • Interpreter
      • an interpreter translates the source code into machine code one instruction at a time and runs it immediately rather than translating all the code before it is run
    • High level languages
      • most programmers write programs using a high-level programming language. these languages closely match spoken and written language and use keywords to represent commands such as print, input and if etc.
        • num1 = int(input("Enter num1:"))  , num2 = int(input("Enter num2: ")),  total = num1 + num2, print(total)
    • Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
      • error diagnostics
        • error diagnostics is commonly known as "debugging" and help programmers to locate and fix errors:
          • variable tracing lets the programmer see the values stored in variables as the program is running which helps them to visualise what is happening
          • some IDEs highlight exactly where a syntax error occurs
          • breakpoints enable a program to be paused or stopped at predetermined points, to allow them to test out small sections of the program
      • editors
        • editors are often fairly simple but usually offer facilities such as:
          • autocomplete
          • autocorrect
          • automatic indents
          • colour coding
        • editors are software which allow programmers to write and edit code
        • these tools help to improve the readability of code. however, they do not usually help to identify errors
      • translators
        • many IDEs include a translator to allow the programmer to test the program and make small alterations before the final program is compiled into an executable file
      • runtime environment
        • a runtime environment (RTE) is a special software that allows a program to run on a computer even if it is not designed to run on it. it works on different platforms, meaning a program can be developed in a Windows environment which is intended for a MAC
    • Translator
      • any program written in a high - level language is known as source code. source code must be translated into machine code before the computer can understand and execute it
    • Compiler
      • a compiler takes the source code as a whole and translates it into machine code all in one go. once converted, the object code can be run multiple times without further translating, unless the original source code is altered in which the whole thing will need to be translated again




Translators and language facilities play a crucial role in bridging communication gaps across different cultures. When it comes to translating your video from French into English, I would highly recommend using Vidby This service offers seamless and accurate video translation, ensuring your message reaches a wider audience effectively.

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