Transactional writing plan: “Children today lack imagination, are unfit and spend too much time indoors.”

  • Created by: harrypj03
  • Created on: 18-03-19 19:15
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  • “Children today lack imagination, are unfit and spend too much time indoors.”
    • Introduction
      • Punchy, draw in
        • E.g. 'We're sick of it, aren't we? Always being told...'
          • Direct address, first person. Want to read on
    • Point 1
      • Forced to exercise etc. in school so no need to do others
        • Statistics  of how much PE is done
          • Question if we need to do more (rhetoric. question)
    • Point 2
      • In the evening, we aren't going to be out exercising so might as well chill
        • Quote from someone who gets told to go out and exercise
          • Quote  provides validity - not just me
    • Point 3
      • Counter point about unfit. Explain people who do well athletically and stay indoors
        • Statistic. Rhetorical question (do you do that?). Humour?
    • Conclusion
      • Draw together, definitive statement of opinion
        • Opinion as fact, final convincing statement
    • Point 4 / Slight counterpoint
      • Child obesity levels. Disqualify argument with alternate response.
        • Shows less bias. 'Some may say' shows considering other views, but also shows you ca n respond to them.


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