Tommy's Characterisation 2

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  • Tommy
    • Attitudes to fate
      • Tells K he doesn't want her to be his carer
        • Strength to accept fate and face it alone
        • "Kath, I don't want to be that way in front of you" pg 275
          • Very proud
        • Relationship has to end as they have to accept there's no future
          • "We've loved each other all our lives. But in the end, we can't stay together forever" (277)
            • Universal truth that we are all separated by death from those we love
          • "They've got to let go, drift apart" (277)
            • Shatters principle of title
              • Firm, brave and unsentimental tone
        • Does he antagonise her deliberately by saying that R would understand him as she was a donor?
      • Miss E's description of T as "The boy with a bad temper. A bad temper, but a big heart." (251) could be an epitaph
    • Attitudes to K
      • Tells K he doesn't want her to be his carer
        • Strength to accept fate and face it alone
        • "Kath, I don't want to be that way in front of you" pg 275
          • Very proud
        • Relationship has to end as they have to accept there's no future
          • "We've loved each other all our lives. But in the end, we can't stay together forever" (277)
            • Universal truth that we are all separated by death from those we love
          • "They've got to let go, drift apart" (277)
            • Shatters principle of title
              • Firm, brave and unsentimental tone
        • Does he antagonise her deliberately by saying that R would understand him as she was a donor?
      • Trusts K so confides in her
      • regrets that relationship took so long
        • "Tommy's manner...was tinged with sadness" (235)
      • Sexual relationship not completely joyful after 3 donations
    • Takes the world literally
      • Often left out of jokes
      • Doesn't follow when R lies about deferrals
        • "I don't know what you're all talking about. What rules are these?"


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