To His Coy Mistress

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  • To His Coy Mistress
    • Themes
      • Carpe Diem (seize the day)
      • Lust
      • Age comes sooner than expected
    • Emotions, moods and feelings
      • Untitled
  • Untitled
  • To His Coy Mistress
    • Themes
      • Carpe Diem (seize the day)
      • Lust
      • Getting old happens quicker than expected
    • Emotions, moods and feelings
      • Reluctance: From the narrator's increasing frustration, it tells us the mistress may not be comfortable with pursuing the physical side of the relationship
      • Urgency: Due to 'Time's winged chariot hurrying near' the narrator wants them to enjoy the time they have.
      • Frustration: The narrator simply wants a physical relationship and feel they need to take action while they are still young.
      • Impatience: This man makes it clear that he doesn't want this love affair to go on for ever. He wants to seize the day.
      • Desire/lust: Throughout the poem the male is attempting to his mistress in to bed
    • Techniques and Effects
      • Imagery: The narrator uses imagery to describe her beauty and he also uses animalistic imagery.
      • Aggressive language: the narrator  uses more direct language to get hi message across.
      • Personification: In the poem the narrator personifies time as loves enemy.
      • Enjambment: This shows the narrator is thinking spontaneously to persuade his mistress into bed.
    • Form and structure
      • The poem has three stanza's.
        • First stanza the ideal love affair is presented, with extravagant references to the care and devotion he would give to her.
        • The second stanza makes it clear that they are running out of time as death will come sooner then they expect.
        • Third stanza proposes that they fight time and enjoy each other with the time they have.
  • Emotions, moods and feelings
    • Reluctance: From the narrator's increasing frustration, it tells us the mistress may not be comfortable with pursuing the physical side of the relationship
    • Urgency: Due to 'Time's winged chariot hurrying near' the narrator wants them to enjoy the time they have.
    • Frustration: The narrator simply wants a physical relationship and feel they need to take action while they are still young.
    • Impatience: This man makes it clear that he doesn't want this love affair to go on for ever. He wants to seize the day.
    • Desire/lust: Throughout the poem the male is attempting to his mistress in to bed
  • The poem has three stanza's.
    • First stanza the ideal love affair is presented, with extravagant references to the care and devotion he would give to her.
    • The second stanza makes it clear that they are running out of time as death will come sooner then they expect.
    • Third stanza proposes that they fight time and enjoy each other with the time they have.


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