three aims of punishment

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  • three aims of punishment
    • Islam
      • a positive effect of punishment id to clean them of a sin so that he is protected from a more unbearable punishment in the afterlife
      • in the Shari'ah system of justice, when a crime has been committed, substantial evidence is required to establish a guilty verdict
      • For an Al-Jinayaat crime, the victim can opt to grant mercy instead of the death penalty - lessens feelings of vengeance, offender released for eternal punishment in afterlife
      • "we prescribed for them a life for a life, an eye for an eye" - Qur'an
      • Muslims favour severe punishments because they believe actions in breach of Shari'ah law are actions against God who created it
        • retribution is given on God's behalf for an offense committed against God
        • punishments also given in afterlife by God, even if not in UK
      • in muslim countries, some punishments take place in public so others can also learn from it
      • it is necessary for offenders to seek God's forgiveness and to become purified through reformation
    • Christianity
      • in the old testament it is called lex talionis - criminals recieve same damage they caused to their victim
        • "if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life"
      • making an extreme example of offenders in an attempt to persuade others to obey the law (e.g. public floggings) - is not acceptable to many christians today, who believe every human should be treated with respect regardless of what they have done
      • most christians prefer reformation because it seeks to help offenders by working with them to help them understand their behaviour is harming society
        • "overcome evil with good"
        • do not seek revenge but set an example by showing compassion
        • should still be punished at the same time


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