Theme B: Economy & Budget

  • Created by: Burney7
  • Created on: 06-10-20 15:36
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  • Economy & Budget
    • Taxes
      • Direct taxes
        • Income tax
        • Inheritance tax
        • Council tax
      • Indirect taxes
        • VAT
        • Excise Duties (tax on alcohol and tobacco)
      • Government revenue
        • Raising revenue and controlling how it is spent
    • Chancellor of Exchequer
      • Responsibilities
        • Raising revenue and controlling how it is spent
        • Giving gov. Departments expenditure limits
        • Leading the Treasury
      • Austerity (gov. reduces spending w/ budget cuts and taxation increased)
    • Budget
      • Budget Provision
        • Parties release budget plans in manifesto
      • What does the government spend on?
        • Social Protection
        • Health
        • Education
        • Defence


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