Thematic Analysis

  • Created by: 0045253
  • Created on: 01-06-22 16:12
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  • Thematic Analysis
    • This is a qualitative technique used to identify patterns of meanings and themes in qualitative data.
      • A theme refers to any idea that occurs in the data on several occasions
    • Procedure
      • 1. Have a transcript of language or conversation
      • 2. Read and reread, getting to know the transcript well.
      • 3. Identify themes that emerge from the transcript.
      • 4. Look for quotes within the transcript to illustrate each theme.
      • Produces rich and detailed analysis which increases validity
      • Allows investigation of new areas of interest
      • Highly subjective, so high risk of researcher bias
        • This can be overcome with reflexivity – whereby the researcher makes it clear how their own preconceptions may have influenced the research
      • Lacks scientific rigour


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