The Manhunt

  • Created by: Aislinn
  • Created on: 07-04-13 15:24
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  • The manhunt
    • Personal Response
      • Why do you think the poet has called this poem 'The Manhunt?' Because she is on a search to find the man/ her husband that she once Knew
      • How does this poem make you feel about war? why? It makes me feel upset and hate it as it kills many of innocent people and those who do come back alive might as well be dead because they live in fear and never return to normal, with the horrible things they've experienced and their conditions
      • How does this poem differ in approach to a news story or a film that you've seen about war? Dear John is about a war who is shot at war and is not allow to go back because he is no longer in perfect condition however unlike the poem it doesn't show the deep effect on him or the family
    • Feelings and attitudes
      • Caring- She is sensitive in her approach to her wounded Husband
      • Pain- The words used to describe the man suggest that his experiences have left him inwardly tormented
      • Patience- It takes the whole poem for the woman to 'come close' to her husband
    • About
      • Written by a wife of a solider who has returned with physical scars caused by a bullet which ricocheted through his body. There are metal scars as well which his experiences have left him with and the problems these are causing
    • Comparison
      • Nettles / Born yesterday/ Hour/ Ghazal/ Brothers/ the farmer’s bride/ Quick draw/ Sonnet 116/ Sonnet 43


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