the impact of the first world war on germany

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  • the impact of the first world war on germany
    • the social impact
      • 2 million soldiers killed and 6.3 million injured
      • inflation and tight wages meant living standards fell 20-30 %
      • food and  fuel shortages exacerbated the impact of the Spanish flu
    • the impact of impending defeat
      • atutumn of 1918 - there was shock that germany will be defeated in the war
        • this caused a revolution and the stab in the backtheory
    • the economic impact
      • more money was printed, which led to inflation
        • the mark declined in value by 75% (1913-1918)
      • taxation contributed to 16% of the war cost
      • german agricultire  was not mobalised, causing food shortages
  • the economic impact
    • more money was printed, which led to inflation
      • the mark declined in value by 75% (1913-1918)
    • taxation contributed to 16% of the war cost
    • german agricultire  was not mobalised, causing food shortages
  • the political impact
    • the impact of the first world war on germany
      • the social impact
        • 2 million soldiers killed and 6.3 million injured
        • inflation and tight wages meant living standards fell 20-30 %
        • food and  fuel shortages exacerbated the impact of the Spanish flu
      • the impact of impending defeat
        • atutumn of 1918 - there was shock that germany will be defeated in the war
          • this caused a revolution and the stab in the backtheory
    • at the start of the war Germany appeared politically unified behind the war effort
      • a political truce (burgfrieden) was announced
    • hindenburg and lundendorff running country 'silent dictatorship'
      • military exacerbated political and social tentions
    • discontent from the war ledto reichstag vote in 1917 for 'peace revolution'
      • war saw formation of comunist sparticist league- they wanted social revolution and end to the war
        • huge strikes occurred in 1917 and 1918 because of the discontent of that war


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