biology immune system

  • Created by: Katie
  • Created on: 19-11-12 20:21
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  • The immune system
    • The body's defence system against disease. Consists of mainly white blood cells.
    • The lymph and blood vessels. These transport pathogens and leukocytes all over the body
    • The lymph nodes. These contain millions of phagocyte and lymphocyte cells, which identify and remove pathogens from lymph
    • The spleen. This contains millions of phagocyte and lymphocyte cells, which identify and remove pathogens from blood
    • The thymus.  This is where blood stem cells are differentiated into T-lymphocytes.
    • The white blood cells or leukocytes are derived from stem cells, which are produced in huge numbers in the bone marrow.
    • Three lines of defence: 1.Barriers - the skin and associated chemicals stop microbes entering the body. 2. The non-specific immune system - phagocytes quickly destroy microbes that pass the first line of defemnce 3.The specific immune system - lymphocytes kill any microbes that pass  the second line of defence, and remain on guard for future attacks


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