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    • Physical characteristics
      • length: 5000 km
        • Polymivs over the length of the Great Wall.
          • Length not straight, zigzag & follow natural ldscape thus it is longer than if measured from one end to the other in a straight line
          • No longer a continuos structure=vandalism and erosion/desert sands have buried it.
          • The structure of the Wall is not a single structure. it branches of into many parts in certain places. the total length of all the walls combined is estimated to be 50000km.
      • Height:6-8 m, rising to 16 m in certain places. Height varies with length.
    • Functions and purpose of the G.W.C
      • Past: Used to repel the Mongol and Manchurian invaders (the Huns) that ransacked and burnt Chinese towns and villages.
      • The Wall is now merely a tourist and heritage site. It is an important place in Chinese history.It is also a place where world leaders have their photos taken when they are on a visit to China.
  • length: 5000 km
    • Polymivs over the length of the Great Wall.
      • Length not straight, zigzag & follow natural ldscape thus it is longer than if measured from one end to the other in a straight line
      • No longer a continuos structure=vandalism and erosion/desert sands have buried it.
      • The structure of the Wall is not a single structure. it branches of into many parts in certain places. the total length of all the walls combined is estimated to be 50000km.


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