The Circulatory System - The blood

  • Created by: alexda
  • Created on: 13-05-14 17:15
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  • The Circulatory System - The Blood
    • 1. Red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to all the cells in the body.
      • They are biconcave which means they have a large surface area for the absorption of oxygen.
      • Red blood cells do not have a nucleus, which allows more space for haemoglobin.
      • A lack of iron in our diet, can causes anaemia. A condition where the blood can not carry enough oxygen needed for all the respiration demands of the cells.
    • 2. White blood cells are located in the immune system of the body, as they defend against disease.
      • White blood cells can change shape to consume or engulf harmful microbes.
    • 3. Platelets are small fragments of cell that help to clot the blood at a wound.
    • 4. Plasma is the pale yellow liquid that transports substances in the blood for example:
      • Red and white blood cells and platelets.
      • Waste products


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