Title*: Feminist and Marxist view point The Bloody Chamber.

I've created this by looking at different critical essays of The Bloody Chamber. Please let me know if there is anything more that I could add, especially for the Marxist viewpoint of the text.

  • Created by: victoria
  • Created on: 28-04-13 19:42
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  • The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter Critics
    • Feminist critics
      • Feminist Critics, have embraced Carter's unwavering honest and commitment to her social and political standards in her works.
      • 'Unique and imaginative nonfiction and sharply political and insightful feminist nonfiction'
      • Radical-libertarian feminists wanted there to no longer be restraints on women's right to choose in the 1970's. Angela Carter revolved her tales around these radical libertarian goals.
        • Carter's female protags are pursuing their sexual desires and redifining their sexual identity as well as fighting for sexual equality with men, which was the biggest goal for radical-libertarian feminists during the feminist movement.
          • Carter promotes sexuality by not letting the male sexual desires to take dominance.
            • Common theme; assertion of female sexual desires where the female protag asserts her sexual cravings and is therefore reappropriating her female libido. reclaiming sexual identity was a widely enforced theme among radical-libertarian feminists.
              • This is presented in The Tiger's bride and The Company of Wolves.
              • Her heroines succumb to embrace the sexual desires of men because they know that men will inevitably always have power over women, so instead of resisting this power, they embrace it (Makinen)
      • The female characters take on the roles of women who eventually embody male characteristics and engage in acts that are by no means feminine thus serve as an example of an 'androgynous person'
        • Carter's tales demonstrate women as being powerful and capable figures that can take charge of a situation and lead it to success.
          • Her radical-libertarian message about empowering women is enhanced when the victimisation of women is overturned by Blue Beard falling victim to the mother and daughter instead of the other way around, which was usually the scenario because of males supposedly dominant status over women (Makinen)
            • In BC women break free from their 'strings' and live their lives for  themselvesCarter is promoting the radical-libertarian idea that women need to break free from male oppression and become empowered. Only after they are empoweredthey are able to live their own life.
              • Promotes deconstruction of patriarchal roles by having her heroine engage her curiosity and through gender roles reversal.
                • In 'COML' and 'TTB' Carter's heroines acknowledge their personal curiosity by exploring and enaging in what is dangerous and exhilarating. As opposed to a patriarchal standpoint,which would have looked down upon women engaging in the dangerous and therefore punishing them Carter rewards the protag instead by having her live a healthy lifestyle in the end, even after partaking in dangerous actions.
                • Carter further deconstructs patriarchal roles in 'COW' when she empowers the female protagonistby giving her courage and self-assurance,two masculine traits.
    • Marxist
      • Carter questions the restricted choices and limited economic independence of female characters,all of whom are expected to play out the roles defined for them by the male characters.
      • She focuses on female empowerment and self reliance; and the need to resist and escape tradition through personal choice.


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