The Axial Skeleton

Mindmap on the Axial Skeleton and its main features.

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  • The Axial Skeleton
    • Cranium
      • 1 Occipital, 2 Parietal, 1 Frontal, 2 Temporal, 1 Sphenoid and 1 Ethmoid
    • Facial bones
      • 2 Nasal, 2 Palatine, 2 Lacrimal, 2 Zygomatic, 1 Vomer, 2 Inferior Turbinate, 2 Maxillae, 1 Mandible
    • The Vertebral Column
      • The Cervical vertebrae (upper 7 vertebrae)
        • The first two cervical vertabrae allow neck movement. The first (Atlas) and second (Axis) form the Atlanto-axial joint
      • The 12 Thoracic vertebrae (located below the Cervical vertebrae)
      • The 5 Lumbar vertebrae (located below the Thoracic vertebrae)
      • The 5 Sacral vertebrae (located below the Lumbar vertebrae)
        • Form the Sacrum
      • The 4/5 Coccygeal vertebrae (at the bottom)
    • Thoracic Cage
      • 12 Thoracic vertebrae (mentioned), 12 pairs of ribs and the sternum
        • 7 pairs true ribs, 3 pairs false ribs, 2 pairs floating ribs


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