The Charge of the Light Brigade by Alfred Lord Tennyson

  • Created by: randall04
  • Created on: 28-10-19 12:10
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  • The Charge of the Light Brigade By Alfred Lord Tennyson
    • context
      • 1850 tennyson was named poet laureate
        • they wrote poems about important events
      • based on events of the battle of baclava that occured in near the black sea in 1845
      • men were mistakenly informed about the position of the russains and many were slaughtered
        • based on events of the battle of baclava that occured in near the black sea in 1845
    • form and structure
      • uses dactylic diametre- echos hoof beats
        • uses immersive aural imagry eg sibilance
          • shot and shell
          • volley'd and thunder'd
          • shatter'd and sunder'd
      • six stanzas very organised poem reflects soldiers organisation
      • no of lines increase and decrease reflecting  the rhythm of the war+ and how little men are returning
        • stanza four is the climax of the battle as it s the longest
      • stanza four is the climax of the battle as it s the longest
    • quotes
      • half a league, half a league ,/ half a league onward
        • use of anaphoram epition makes war seem predictable
          • the role of a solider emphasis of heroism in following their orders, also emphases that one made a mistake
      • into the valley of Death/Rode the six hundred
        • metaphor- by making death a proper noun highlights significance
      • some one had blundered :/ Theirs not to make reply,/Theirs not to reason why,/Theirs not to and die
        • the role of a solider emphasis of heroism in following their orders, also emphases that one made a mistake
      • Into the jaws of Death,Into the mouth of HellRode the six hundred.
        • they have now reached the jaws of death emphasizing at they will die atypical religious imagery as it depicts hell which is atypical of war poetry, empathizing human error which caused their deaths
      • flashed all their sabres bare,/flashed as they turned in air,/sabring the gunners there
        • by focusing on the sabres which were quickly becoming outdated it further highlights the heroism of the men fighting gunners were using guns highlights the struggle
      • Volley'd and thunder'd;Storm'd at with shot and shell,While horse and hero fell,
        • repition of these highlights the overall horror of the war horse and hero highlights the sacrifice however they arent proper nouns which could highlight how they were viewed as insignificant by higher up generals
      • Honour the charge they made!Honour the Light BrigadeNoble six hundred!
        • through the use of anaphora (honour) it highlights the mens sacrifice shows tennysons deliberate critique of the generals who blamed the soliders incompitemce many of the british public critqued the crimean war


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