The Authoritarian Personality

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  • The Authoritarian Personality
    • Elms and Milgram ('66)
      • Very little variation in relation to MMPI + high auth in obedient Ps
      • Ps were also asked about their childhood relationships + attitudes towards the experimenter + learner
      • Obedient Ps said that they were less close with their fathers + described them in -ve terms
      • 20 obedient Ps + 20 defiant Ps completed the MMPI scale and the F scale
      • Obedient Ps saw the authority figure as more admirable + the learner less so
    • A personality pattern which is strict adherance to values + beliefs in submission to authority
    • F scale was developed in 1947 as a measure of authoritarian traits
      • PPL who score high on the F scale tend to have been raised by parents who used authoritarian parenting
    • Right-wing Authoritarianism (RWA) - personality traits like authority submission, authoritarian aggression + conventional
    • Evaluation
      • Research: Many studies have seen that authoritarian personalities are more obedient
      • Social Context: Milgram found that the social situation affected obedience regardless of personalities
      • Authoritarian vs obedient: The main difference was in upbringing which affected personality
      • Education: Less educated PPL are more authoritarian + more obedient
      • Left-wing = low obedience: The lower PPL shocked the more left wing they were


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