The Assembly of Notables and Political Developments 1787-89

  • Created by: lou9119
  • Created on: 12-05-17 10:45
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  • The Assembly of Notables and Political Developments 1787-89
    • The failure financial reforms, high interest costs of royal debt and failure by Calonne in 86 to raise loans meant that new taxes were needed.
      • While Louis was notionally an absolute ruler, the agreement of the Paris Parlement was needed in order to approve the collection of these new taxes.
        • They refused to agree to these new taxes in 85 and had no confidence in Calonne so there was a fear of another refusal.
          • Louis could override this with a lit de justice but opposition would knock public confidence in the monarchy and make borrowing difficult. Calonne suggested the Assembly of Notables.
    • A of N
      • 144 members selected by the King, included members of the Parlements, seven Princes of the Blood, important nobles and important churchmen.
      • Met in February 1787, Louis expected agreement on his proposals for a new land tax with no exemptions, new elected regional assembles to implement new taxes and the economy to be stimulated by removing restrictions on trade such as internal customs barriers.
    • Why did the Notables reject the King's proposals?
      • Self-interest: to keep their privileges, i.e. not paying taxes.
      • Making a stand against Louis' despotism.
      • Disliking of Calonne: blaming him for the problem.
        • Plotting by Marie-Antoinette and her Polisgac Clique at court against Calonne.
    • Brienne and aristocratic Revolt
      • After Calonne's failure Louis appointed Archbishop Brienne. He took revised proposals, including the new land tax, to the Assembly of Notables. They refused again, arguing that they needed the approval of the whole French nation and to obtain this they needed the Estates-General.


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