Sustainability: The Dilemma

What issues arrise from the concept of sustanability? What is Agenda 21?

Refers to AQA AS Geography (Chapter 5 - Population Change)

  • Created by: Bethany
  • Created on: 05-04-13 16:17
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  • Sustainability: The Dilemma
    • The dilemma
      • Developed countries will continue to demand resources for their populations in increasing amounts.
      • The less developed countries provide the resources that then make the developed countries more affluent.
      • The rapidly increasing populations of the developing countries (e.g. India) are demanding more and more resources themselves.
      • Supporters of sustainability believe that in order to satisfy the sustainability dilemma a number of over-riding policies should come into force...
        • States should support an open economic system.
        • Trade policies should not involve any unjustifiable discrimination.
        • The environmental/ natural resources of people under oppression, domination and occupation should be protected.
        • National authorities should endeavour to promote the internationalism of environmental costs, taking into account that the polluter should pay.
    • Agenda 21
      • UN sustainable development programme. Governments are obliged to formulate strategies for sustainable development.
      • Suggests people, not governments, who engage in development, so sustainable development is a local activity.
      • Suggests everyone, however rich or poor, has a part to play in sustainable living.
      • Suggested strategies by local authorities to implement Agenda 21
        • Monitoring air and water quality
        • Promoting energy effiiciency
        • Establishing effective recycling systems.
        • Encouraging and approving public transport.
        • Population management
        • Authorities in more developed countries...
          • Train a sufficient amount of healthcare workers to care for the rising numbers of elderly, reducing the need to recruit medical workers from overseas.
          • Recognise that birth rates are falling and consider issues that may arise from having fewer children and an (eventually) reduced workforce.
      • Authorities in less developed countries (sub-Saharan African countries can introduce localised population management.
        • Training of community nurses to be responsible for all areas of care (prenatal, midwifery, educating young adults about AIDs, care for elderly.)
        • Increasing levels of female literacy to raise aspirations and improve care and prevention within families.


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