supply and demand

  • Created by: jacksie
  • Created on: 16-12-20 12:58
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  • Supply and demand
    • Demand
      • determinants of demand
        • the price of substitute goods
          • Mars bars and snickers
            • if snickers rise demand for mars will rise
        • Income
          • wealth effect
            • more demand with more purchasing power
        • population size
          • more people more likely thatt there is more demand
        • changes in legislation
          • ciggarettes
        • advertising
          • succesful advertising campaign
      • law of diminishing marginal utility
        • jeremy bentham
          • augment happiness
        • paradox of value
          • adam smith
            • water so cheap
              • the more ready available a good
                • less utility it brings
      • upward sloping
        • veblen goods
          • snob-appeal
        • speculative goods
          • stocks booming
    • supply
      • determinants
        • costs of production
          • incentivised by profits
            • cheaper production
              • more profitable
                • increased supply
          • labour costs
            • wages
          • technology
            • make production more efficient
              • more profitable
                • increased supply
        • price of complementary goods
          • tennis balls and rackets
        • government legislation
          • increases cost of production
            • tax on tobacco
        • interest rates
          • low
            • more investment
        • weather
          • agricultural markets
        • future events
          • prices to rise
            • stockpile resources
              • raw materials
              • more profit in future
        • producer cartels
          • OPEC
            • oil restriction
              • less supply
                • higher prices
    • price elasticity
      • supply
        • quantity supplied over price change
          • percentage change
        • availability of substitutes
          • producer substitutes
            • if it can easily switch
              • and change the pattern of productioin
                • elastic
        • time
          • the shorter the period
            • more difficult to switch between products
            • some are inelastic over a longer period
              • crop failure of hazelnuts
          • spare capacity
            • if there is more can easily supply more
              • however the good
                • changes if it can be stockpiled
                  • wheat
                    • Untitled


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