Structure of 'The Lotus-Eaters'

The structure of 'The Lotus-Eaters'.

  • Created by: keisha_
  • Created on: 12-01-15 19:51
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  • Structure of TLE
    • The poem is in 2 parts
      • Stanzas 1-5: 'The Lotus-Eaters'.
      • Stanzas 6-13: 'The Choric Song'
    • Iambic Pentameter
      • A line of 10 syllables with an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable
    • Alexandrine
      • A line of 12 syllables
    • Trochee
      • A stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable
    • Spenserian stanza (Used in this poem)
      • A particular structure used by the poet Edmund Spenser (1552-1599)
    • Stanzas 1-5 structure
      • Each of the 5 stanzas contain 9 lines.
        • Lines 1-8 Iambic Pentametre
        • Line 9 is Alexandrine
      • Each stanza follows the same rhyme scheme: ABABBCBCC.
      • The rhymes are almost always long vowel sounds
        • Each stanza follows the same rhyme scheme: ABABBCBCC.


the bear


it is Lotos Eaters


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