Stem cell dilemmas

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  • Stem cell dilemmas
    • Problems with Embryonic stem cells
      • The embryo could have been potential life. It can't give permission to be used.
      • Religious beliefs - People say that it's God job and can't accept the interference with the process of human reproduction.
      • ADVANTAGE - Grow  and divide rapidly, so nearly extinct plants can be cloned.
        • The body of a mother doesn't reject the embryonic stem cell from an embryo.
      • Can be expensive
        • Problems with Adult stem cells
          • Might be infected with a virus and could transfer infections to patients.
          • If stem cells from an adult are used to treat someone who isn't related, it can trigger an immune response.
            • Problems with Embryonic stem cells
              • The embryo could have been potential life. It can't give permission to be used.
              • Religious beliefs - People say that it's God job and can't accept the interference with the process of human reproduction.
              • ADVANTAGE - Grow  and divide rapidly, so nearly extinct plants can be cloned.
                • The body of a mother doesn't reject the embryonic stem cell from an embryo.
              • Can be expensive
                • Problems with Adult stem cells
                  • Might be infected with a virus and could transfer infections to patients.
                  • If stem cells from an adult are used to treat someone who isn't related, it can trigger an immune response.
      • Therapeutic cloning -  The production of embryonic stem cells for use in replacing or repairing damaged tissues or organs, achieved by transferring a diploid nucleus from a body cell into an egg whose nucleus has been removed.


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