An Inspector Calls Stage Directions

  • Created by: jw843
  • Created on: 28-12-17 10:21
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  • Stage Directions in An Inspector Calls
    • an instruction in the text of a play indicating the movement, postion, or tone of an actor,or the sound effects and lighting
    • 'Arthur Birling at one end, his wife at the other'- this may suggest that they don't have a close relationship. The physical metaphor symbolises how far away from each other they are emotionally
      • Could also link it to the role of women, women are seen as not equal to men therefore they should be sepearted from the men because they are not as important or as good as men
    • 'pink and intimate'- we fail to see what they are truly like because we are too wrapped up in thinking they are better then they are, see them through 'rose tinted glass'. Highlights how delosional the Birling's are, they think their above the law
      • Pink is a femenine colour, so could suggest the play is about women, because there is some strong women in the play, e.g Eva. Also at the end of the play Shelia changes her views about the future and realises her and her families responsiblity to Eva's death.
    • 'brighter and harder'- light symbolises truth, as the truth is revealed they see themselves for what they really are


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