Stafford Afternoons

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  • Stafford Afternoons
    • 'Only there' Example of spatial deixis. The persona exerts that the place is of danger. We as a reader are clueless to as of where.
    • '(...) suddenly pause' The adverb 'suddenly' stresses that time is against her. All alters.
    • 'A long road held no one, the gardens were empty, an ice cream van chimed and dwindled away.' The asyndetic listing indicates how the persona felt alone. 'Dwindled' and 'Chimed' are an example of half-rhyme.
    • 'So I let a horse in the noisy field sponge at my palm and I invented, in colour, a vivid lie for the both of us.' Insinuates the Persona's imagination but their will to feel not alone. The metaphor reflected by the adjective 'noisy' contrasts with the real world that feels deprives of this. Noun' lie' the persona is trying to make something believable.
    • 'I crawled through a hedge into long grass at the edge of a small wood, lonely and thrilled.' The material verb, 'crawled' has connotations of a child, innocent and vulnerable. The noun 'hedge' symbolises a barrier, as passing through from safety over the danger. Both physical and metaphorical. The antithesis of 'lonely and thrilled' suggest the persona is excited by their vulnerability of being alone to explore their curiosity.
    • 'The green silence gulped once and swallowed me whole.' This is an example of personification/ anthropomorphism, the adjective, 'green' has connotations of danger although perceived to be safe usually.
    • 'I knew it was dangerous' The declarative here and positive modal shading indicates how naïve the persona is. They are placing themselves into a difficult situation.
    • 'the wood drew sly faces from light and shade, the wood let out its sticky breath on the back of my neck, and flowering nettles gathered spit in their throat.' The verb, 'drew', with the examples of personification review how nature is deceitful. The antithesis of 'shade and light' stress again danger but loss of safety. The tactile sense is used over, 'sticky breath on the back of my neck.' the declarative highlighting how the persona is in fear. She feels the world is against her.
      • Elements of the natural world frightens her, 'flowering nettles gathered spit at the back of their throats.' The adjective 'flowering' and noun, 'nettles' reiterate danger.
    • 'living, purple root in his hand.' is a implicit referral to the male's private parts.
    • 'The sight made sound rush back; birds, a distant lawnmower.' The listing here indicates the loss of innocence. Reality crashes to the persona.
    • 'children scattered and shrieked and time fell from the sky like a red ball.' The sibilance here 'scattered and shrieked' stress how reality continues on. The simile reflects danger and loss of innocence.


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