Social Psychological Approaches To Explaining Aggression

  • Created by: r
  • Created on: 20-09-14 11:36
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  • Social Psychological Approaches To Aggression
    • Social LearningTheory
      • Bandura - aggression is learnt through observation of vicarious and direct reinforcement, mental representations and self-efficacy.
      • A02 - explains cultural differences -Kung San -aggression is not valued and aggression isn't learned through vicarious reinforcement or by models.
      • A02 -Bobo doll studies by Bandura
        • A02/AID -unethical to expose children to aggression knowing they may reproduce it
        • A02 -aggression in absence of direct reinforcement- children never directly rewarded -  vicarious
        • A02 - validity, children were aware of demand characteristics and people in real life would hit back unlike the doll - lacks external validity
    • Deindividuation
      • Occurs when we join a crowd or loss of consciousness self restraint and feel anonymous, lowered fear of evaluation by others.
      • A02 - cultural differences -  Robert Watson in 23 societies the warriors that changed their appearance the most were more destructive to their victims
      • A02 -Zimbardo - groups who were anonymous gave shocks twice aslong as did identifiable participants to the learner
      • A02/aid -gender bias- males more prone to disinhibition under deindividuation than females- Cannavale
    • Institutional Aggression
      • Deprivation model -Paterline and Peterson -prisoner/patient aggression is a product of the conditions of the institution such as over crowding and staff experience.
      • A02 -McCorkle et al found lack of privacy and lack of meaningful activity significantly influenced peer violence
        • A02 - However research is inconsistent -in psychiatric institutes  Nijman et al found that increased personal space failed to decrease aggression and violence among patients.
      • importation model - Irwin & Cressey -prisoners bring traits into the prison with them - not blank slates
        • A02 - Support for individual factors (age/race/ect)- Harer and Steffensmeir black inmates had higher rates of violent behavior but lower rates of alcohol/drug related misconduct than white males- parallel radicals
      • dehumanisation - target groups are dehumanisedso they seem worthless and unworthy of moral consideration
        • A02/RWA - O'brian may explain violence against immigrants, seen by some as 'polluting threats to social order.'


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