Social differentiation

  • Created by: hillaag
  • Created on: 18-04-16 23:13
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  • Social differentiation
    • Disability
      • any restriction or lack of ability
        • 10% of the population
      • issues with travel
      • limited numbers
      • special staff needed
    • Gender
      • wage differences
      • different amount of media coverage
      • lack of role models
      • Sexploitation
    • Ethnicity
      • The suggestion that one ethnic group is superior to another
      • uneven distribution of ethnicity in certain sports
      • Institutional racism
        • may be unconscious
        • tradition
          • role models
        • stereotypes
          • racial stacking- certain ethnicities in certain positions
      • prevention schemes
        • kick racism out of football
        • sporting equals
      • Improvement
        • Media coverage
        • managerial and development roles
    • Age
      • Young
        • pe programs in schools
        • Clubs and facilities
      • Old
        • Transport may be an issue
        • few role models
        • few activity sessions
        • personal barriers
          • poor health
          • low income
          • lack of transport
          • poor activity choice
          • self-esteem
    • general
      • Giving one particular group opportunities that are not available to all groups
      • acting upon prejudices
    • Social class
      • access to facilities
      • self esteem
        • public perception
      • costs




This is just a brief overview and plan for an essay, it is nowhere near a complete version but it should be a good start.

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