Social Change

  • Created by: lou9119
  • Created on: 26-11-17 15:53
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  • Social Change
    • Class Distinctions & Titles
      • N worked to create a body of men who were loyal to him, especially soldiers. He was also effective in winning over politicians who had initially opposed Brumaire; done through gifts, honours, titles and lands.
        • 1: Legion of Honour 1802 - Receive a medal that was fashionable, an annual sum. There were 38,000 members, mostly soldiers by 1814.
        • 2: 1804-1808 new titles created for leading officials of the new imperial court. Different ranks; some came with lands. Initially these were given to members of N's family but later to leading generals; the Marshals of France.
          • After 08 an entire imperial nobility was created with princes, dukes, counts and barons. If the recipients of these honours had a large enough income their title could be made hereditary.
        • 3: Members of the Senate were given large country estates with an annual income and the appointment as prefect their region.
        • 4: At the lower end of social scale, minor army officers and gov officials were given personal gifts, money for a house in Paris.
    • Education
      • Purpose for N was to provide France with administrators,officials, military officers. Recruited from the sons of property owning class; Notables. Sons educated in 45 lycees or elite schools est in 02.Places were free for the sons of army officers. Additioanlly 300 secondary schools were est in 05.
      • In all of the schools a common curriculum was taught by gov-appointed teachers, using the same textbooks and standardised lessons. System was eventually controlled by Imperial Uni, est 08. This was designed to bind the state together by creating a body of teachers with a common purpose to generate children with the same values.
      • Those who wanted more questioning education were sent to expensive private school run by the church, allowed after Concordat.
      • At primary level schools were run by individuals, by the Church and local communities. They provided moral education, basic literacy and numeracy.
      • Scientific study was not encouraged and the Poly-technique est earlier in the Rev was converted into a military academy in 05. However, the Sorbonne and provincial universities were reopened.
    • Women
      • Ed of women not deemed important, future wives and mothers. Civil Code.


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