Unit 2; Core Studies; Simons & Chabris

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  • Simons & Chabris
    • Background
      • Inattentional Blindness: failure to see event as focused on another element
      • Neisser tested IB using basketball game with woman and umbrella walking through
    • Aims
      • Is IB more likely if unexpected event and attended event are similar
      • more likely to see a particularly unusual event?
      • does task difficulty have an effect?
      • Effect of transparent or opaque video type
    • Sample: students 228 observed but 192 analysed, given sweets or money
    • IV: video type; gorilla or woman; task difficulty DV: saw unexpected event or not
    • Procedure
      • Instructions given to either count passes (easy) or bounces and passes (hard)
      • Shown video of 2 teams playing basketball
      • asked to keep score mentally and wrote it down after
      • Asked if saw anything unusual and to describe it if they did
      • debrief after
    • Results
      • Saw gorilla more likely if watching black team: white, 8 saw black, 67 saw (transparent, easy, gorilla)
      • saw umbrella woman more as taller: 100 saw woman, 42 saw gorilla (opaque, easy, white)
      • hard task made seeing more difficult: 67 saw gorilla with easy. 25 (transparent, gorilla, black)
      • opaque video easier to see: transparent: 8 opaque: 50 (hard, gorilla, white
    • Ethics: broke deception
    • Ethnocentrism: dif jobs require dif attention
    • Reliability & Validity
      • IR: replicable of Neisser
      • ER: large sample, no fluke
      • IV: similar to Neisser but some could have seen before
      • EV: artificial scenario
    • Link to Debates: useful in court, witness could miss something
    • Summary
      • Cognitive: attention is cognitive
      • Attention: no conscious perception wittout attnetion


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