silas marner

  • Created by: jenna
  • Created on: 18-04-17 10:02
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    • gold
      • "that he could buy up bigger men than himself"
      • "their bright faces which were all his own
      • "unborn children"
      • eppie and gold
        • 'golden head'
        • 'gold on the floor'
        • 'gold, his own gold -brought back to him as mysteriously as It had been taken'
        • 'the heap of gold'
        • 'soft, warm instead of that familiar resisting outline'
        • Eppie and silas
          • 'a round fair thing
          • 'it stirred fibres in  him that had never been moved in raveloe'
          • 'but I want to do things for it myself, else it may get fond o'somebody else and not fond of me'
            • 'she'll be my little un and nobodyelses'
          • 'Eppie's heart was swelling at the sense of her fathers distress'
          • 'god gave me her because you turned your back upon her'
          • 'he had lived a lonely man until she had been sent to him"
      • 'thought it was brighter in the gathering gloom'
    • Eppie and silas
      • 'a round fair thing
      • 'it stirred fibres in  him that had never been moved in raveloe'
      • 'but I want to do things for it myself, else it may get fond o'somebody else and not fond of me'
        • 'she'll be my little un and nobodyelses'
      • 'Eppie's heart was swelling at the sense of her fathers distress'
      • 'god gave me her because you turned your back upon her'
      • 'he had lived a lonely man until she had been sent to him"
    • villagers
      • 'region of vagueness and mystery'
      • 'remnant of distrust'
      • 'aliens'
        • 'certain pallid undersized men
      • 'certain pallid undersized men
      • 'mysterious burden'
        • 'aliens'
      • Silas
        • descriptions
          • 'large brown protuberant eyes'
          • 'he invited no comer to step across his doorsill'
          • 'dead man come to life agin'
            • 'dead man'
              • 'weavers dead'
            • 'weavers dead'
          • 'like the spider'
            • 'insect like existence '
          • 'fervid nature'
          • 'defenceless dear like gaze'
          • 'poor mushed creature'
        • loss
          • 'god will clear me' x3
            • religion
              • 'that shaken trust in man and god'
              • 'unhinged from their old faith and love'
              • 'the past becomes dreamy because all its symbols have vanished'
              • 'the light of his faith was quite put out and affection made desolate'
              • 'He had begun to  ponder over the elements of his old faith, and blend them with his new impressions'
              • 'Young man of exemplary life and ardent faith'
              • narrow religious sect
              • 'sunday bells were a mere accident of the day and not part of its sacredness'
          • 'the sap of affection was not all gone'
          • 'grief in his heart' {when the pot smashed}
          • 'silas sunk into his chair powerless'
          • 'second time desolate'
          • 'withering desolation of that berievment'
          • 'withered and shrunken'
            • 'clinging life'
          • 'new light in which this misfortune had shown him'
          • 'casket was empty, lock was broken'
            • 'felt as if he had nothing left to loose'
          • 'no phantom of delight to still the poor souls cravings'
            • 'life so monotonous as marners'
          • 'but kindness fell on him and sunlight falls on he wretched -he had no hear o ase it and feel I was very far off him'
        • religion
          • 'that shaken trust in man and god'
          • 'unhinged from their old faith and love'
          • 'the past becomes dreamy because all its symbols have vanished'
          • 'the light of his faith was quite put out and affection made desolate'
          • 'He had begun to  ponder over the elements of his old faith, and blend them with his new impressions'
          • 'Young man of exemplary life and ardent faith'
          • narrow religious sect
          • 'sunday bells were a mere accident of the day and not part of its sacredness'
        • 'a mixture of contemptuous pity , dread and suspicion by which he regarded his neighbours in raveloe'
          • villagers
            • 'region of vagueness and mystery'
            • 'remnant of distrust'
            • 'mysterious burden'
          • loom
            • 'where he worked so instinctively seeking this as the strongest sense of reality'
        • other key characters
          • Godfrey
            • 'a fine open faced good naturedyoung man'
            • 'did very kindly by the weaver'
            • 'I dont pretend be a good fellow but I am no scoundrel'
            • 'he allowed evils to grow under favour of his own headlessness'
            • 'because the sweet flowers of courtesy  is not a growth of such homes as the red house'
              • 'shilly shally fellow, you take after your poor mother, she never had a will of her own: a woman has no call for one'
            • 'shilly shally fellow, you take after your poor mother, she never had a will of her own: a woman has no call for one'
            • 'affectionate hearted godfrey cass was fast becoming a bitter man'
            • 'I am contented with the blessings we have, if he could be contented'
              • Nancy
                • 'felt and inward flutter' {when seeing Godfrey }
                • 'everything belonging to miss Nancy was of delicatepurity'
                • 'but she Brough t into the red house the habit of filial reverence'
                • 'rustic beauty'
                • 'far off. bright winged prize'
                • 'yet she had the essential attributes of a lady'
                • 'that she looked thoroughly bewitching'
                • 'before such calm external beauty the presence of a vague fear is more distinctly felt'
              • 'he is the best of husbands'
            • 'deep affections can hardly go along with callous palms'
            • 'dissatisfaction seeks a definite object'
            • 'his own wavering nature'
            • 'everything comes to light sooner or later nancy'
            • 'its been I will and I won't with me my whole life'
            • 'Its part of my punishment Nancy , for my daughter to dislike me'
            • I'll be plain and open for the rest o my life
          • dunstan
            • 'dull mind'
              • 'dunstans mind was becoming as dull as the mind of a fellow usually is'
            • 'nobody was sorry for his absence or feared it would be too long'
            • 'moral cowardice'
            • 'not being remarkable for clearness of head
            • 'hell never be hurt - he's made to hurt other people'
              • 'im a jewel for ticing people into bargains'
            • 'im warranted to fall on my legs'
            • 'spiteful jeering fellow'
          • dolly
            • 'she had not the vixenish temper'
            • 'very mild and patient woman'
            • 'never wimpering'
            • 'wholesome woman'
            • 'mildly'
            • 'soothing persuasive tone'
            • 'tried to return dollys sign of good will'
            • "narrow outward experience"
          • Nancy
            • 'felt and inward flutter' {when seeing Godfrey }
            • 'everything belonging to miss Nancy was of delicatepurity'
            • 'but she Brough t into the red house the habit of filial reverence'
            • 'rustic beauty'
            • 'far off. bright winged prize'
            • 'yet she had the essential attributes of a lady'
            • 'that she looked thoroughly bewitching'
            • 'before such calm external beauty the presence of a vague fear is more distinctly felt'
          • Molly
            • 'the demon opium to whom she was enslaved'
            • ' except the lingering mothers tenderness that refused to give him her hungry child'
            • 'old grimy shawl'
            • 'slow uncertain steps'
            • 'dingy rags'
            • 'he would sooner die than acknowledge her as his wife'
          • priscilla
            • 'cheerful looking lady'
            • 'she always thought niece Priscilla  was too rough'
            • 'for I am ugly - theres no denyingthat'
            • 'good natured and self forgetful cheeriness and common sense of priscilla'


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